
Author Topic: Oculus Go and Oculus Gear VR Actions  (Read 7407 times)


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Oculus Go and Oculus Gear VR Actions
« on: May 28, 2018, 08:06:51 AM »
Hi folks,

Does anyone know if there custom actions available for Gear VR and Oculus Go please? I've looked around and can't find any. I'd like to be able to interact with UI but also with game objects in the game that have colliders. I can do it from C# code using call backs etc., but as I love Playmaker and prefer to use state machines when working on new proof of concepts, just wondered if anyone has any actions they can share or knows if the standard Playmaker actions can work for object interaction?



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Re: Oculus Go and Oculus Gear VR Actions
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2018, 09:02:15 AM »
Just to update on this. I ended up buying Easy Input for Gear VR and Oculus Go from the Unity asset store (

I've already created two production projects with it and it's super easy. Although there are no custom Playmaker actions, most of the receiver scripts have event handlers so you can easily send events to your FSM state machines which is what I do.

On a side note, I'm busy writing some Custom Actions for Playmaker for Gear VR and Oculus Go to use in my new project (they use OVRInput) to check which buttons were pressed on Gear VR / Oculus Go remote. If they prove useful and work correctly I'll share them with the community as well.

« Last Edit: September 03, 2018, 01:40:38 PM by HendrikB »


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Re: Oculus Go and Oculus Gear VR Actions
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2018, 04:37:57 AM »
I've created two custom actions and tested them in my new project and they work great. I'll try get these into the ecosystem some time this week, just need to read the documentation on how to do that.

These actions are just simple ones to detect buttons pressed (and released) and swipes on the touch pad for Gear VR and Oculus Go. At the moment they check for:

Trigger press
Dpad / touch pad press
Back button press
Swipes on touch pad (left, right, up and down)

They send events based on the input detected and work great. I'll likely extend the features on them in future based on my needs. I would like to add more actions soon for things like touchpad swipe magnitude, controller movement in 3d space, and a few others that I have already thought of. I'll develop the actions as I go along in my project and will be sure to update this thread when they are released into ecosystem.


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Re: Oculus Go and Oculus Gear VR Actions
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2018, 07:43:12 AM »
That is awesome! Currently working with this asset (and PM, of course!) if you need testing, I'm happy to help!


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Re: Oculus Go and Oculus Gear VR Actions
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2018, 11:42:50 AM »
Thanks I'll let you know :) For now I've done actions to check the following:

When any key from Gear VR / Oculus Go remote is down (trigger, touchpad, swipe up, swipe down, swipe left and swipe right).

When trigger or touchpad buttons are released (Checking for button release seems to only work for trigger and touchpad and the next one on the list...)

When Touchpad has finger on it but not pressed, and when finger is removed. Seems useful for some situations. Gives you an extra kind of control over a touchpad press.

I'll try get some other actions created for gyro, 3d positioning and swipe magnitude. I think those would give even more control, and being able to use them as FSMs makes it awesome for Playmaker enthusiasts :)


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Re: Oculus Go and Oculus Gear VR Actions
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2018, 11:19:32 AM »
Great - drop a line when you post them to Ecosystem!


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Re: Oculus Go and Oculus Gear VR Actions
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2018, 05:35:12 PM »
I've posted a link to download the actions from my Github account for now in this post:

Those actions can be used just as is with the Oculus Utilities for Unity. No 3rd party asset required.

I haven't yet made any specific actions for the Easy Input asset, but will look at working on those soon. It proves a lot more difficult since Easy Input inherits from some other classes so adds some more complexity to making custom actions for it, I need to give it a think. I am writing one at the moment and will see if I can get it to work. Once I figure it out I can likely add a few actions for Easy Input soon too :)