PlayMaker Help & Tips > Unity Services

Unity Ads - Set Debug Level - error


Broken Stylus:
Got this error in the console:

--- Quote ---Assets/PlayMaker Custom Actions/UnityAds/UnityAdsSetDebugLevel.cs(24,24): error CS0426: The nested type `DebugLevel' does not exist in the type `UnityEngine.Advertisements.Advertisement'
--- End quote ---

A missing definition is suggested.
Here's what is displayed in monodevelop:

Ah sorry, I missed the following line:

--- Code: ---#if UNITY_5_6_OR_NEWER
[Obsolete("Use UnityAdsSetDebugMode instead")]
--- End code ---

I got the actions from the Ecosystem. On 1.8.8.
Are there several versions of the "same" actions?

Broken Stylus:
Big mess. There's an action called Set Debug Level, which I removed.
Once the action is deleted (it's obsolete), now it's Set Campaign Data URL that's sending an error:

--- Quote ---Assets/PlayMaker Custom Actions/UnityAds/UnityAdsSetCampaignDataURL.cs(30,19): error CS0117: `UnityEngine.Advertisements.Advertisement' does not contain a definition for `SetCampaignDataURL'
--- End quote ---

What is going on?
I have activated the Unity Ads service and the latest SDK is installed too. All on 2017.4.


 Unity Ads packages are very messy because you have it on the asset store and built in. you need to check which one you need for your version.




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