Can somebody convert this .js into an action please? Cant use it in 2019 unity as Javascript has been removed.
import System.IO;
private var latestVersionString = "randomText";
var thisVersionFloat : float = 1.0;
var dropBoxLatestVersionTXT = "";
function Start () {
var www : WWW = new WWW(dropBoxLatestVersionTXT);
yield www;
latestVersionString = www.text;
var latestVersionFloat : float = 3.14159265358979f;
latestVersionFloat = float.Parse(latestVersionString);
if(latestVersionFloat==thisVersionFloat) Debug.Log("You have the latest version of the game");
if(latestVersionFloat>thisVersionFloat) Debug.Log("You have outdated version of the game");
Found wwwPOST on ecosystem. Just use that to point to a text file, save the response string to a variable.