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unity 2019.3 IL2CPP build error[SOLVED]

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Hello , i got error when building android with il2cpp on unity 2019.3 all alpha versions :

Building libil2cpp.so with AndroidToolChain

Output directory: C:\Users\Fhima\Documents\New Unity Project (2)\Temp\StagingArea\assets\bin\Data\Native\armeabi-v7a

Cache directory: C:\Users\Fhima\Documents\New Unity Project (2)\Library\il2cpp_android_armeabi-v7a\il2cpp_cache

il2cpp.exe didn't catch exception: Unity.IL2CPP.Building.BuilderFailedException: C:\Users\Fhima\Documents\New Unity Project (2)\Temp\StagingArea\Il2Cpp\il2cppOutput\PlayMaker2.cpp:31093:14: error: no matching function for call to 'Object_op_Equality_mBC2401774F3BE33E8CF6F0A8148E66C95D6CFF1C'

bool L_1 = Object_op_Equality_mBC2401774F3BE33E8CF6F0A8148E66C95D6CFF1C(L_0, (Object_tAE11E5E46CD5C37C9F3E8950C00CD8B45666A2D0 *)NULL, /*hidden argument*/NULL);


C:\Users\Fhima\Documents\New Unity Project (2)\Temp\StagingArea\Il2Cpp\il2cppOutput\PlayMaker2.cpp:13535:41: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'GUITexture_t1679093D89FD7E758DB296145046F8BB10DB7E51 *' to 'Object_tAE11E5E46CD5C37C9F3E8950C00CD8B45666A2D0 *' for 1st argument

IL2CPP_EXTERN_C IL2CPP_METHOD_ATTR bool Object_op_Equality_mBC2401774F3BE33E8CF6F0A8148E66C95D6CFF1C (Object_tAE11E5E46CD5C37C9F3E8950C00CD8B45666A2D0 * ___x0, Object_tAE11E5E46CD5C37C9F3E8950C00CD8B45666A2D0 * ___y1, const RuntimeMethod* method);


C:\Users\Fhima\Documents\New Unity Project (2)\Temp\StagingArea\Il2Cpp\il2cppOutput\PlayMaker2.cpp:31122:14: error: no matching function for call to 'Object_op_Equality_mBC2401774F3BE33E8CF6F0A8148E66C95D6CFF1C'

bool L_1 = Object_op_Equality_mBC2401774F3BE33E8CF6F0A8148E66C95D6CFF1C(L_0, (Object_tAE11E5E46CD5C37C9F3E8950C00CD8B45666A2D0 *)NULL, /*hidden argument*/NULL);


C:\Users\Fhima\Documents\New Unity Project (2)\Temp\StagingArea\Il2Cpp\il2cppOutput\PlayMaker2.cpp:13535:41: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'GUIText_t8C9642311EE384C7674771DDF6AB9F222CA1AE1D *' to 'Object_tAE11E5E46CD5C37C9F3E8950C00CD8B45666A2D0 *' for 1st argument

IL2CPP_EXTERN_C IL2CPP_METHOD_ATTR bool Object_op_Equality_mBC2401774F3BE33E8CF6F0A8148E66C95D6CFF1C (Object_tAE11E5E46CD5C37C9F3E8950C00CD8B45666A2D0 * ___x0, Object_tAE11E5E46CD5C37C9F3E8950C00CD8B45666A2D0 * ___y1, const RuntimeMethod* method);
I am using the last version of Playmaker it was working fin with unity 2018 but now i cant downgrade the unity version to 2018.x , this will break UI and terrain data :( , any idea to fix this please ?

Do you use any Get/Set properties actions?

If so, did you use Linker Wizard?

Hello, yes i am using get/set prop and i am not using linker wizard , btw i already posted this error in the unity's forum and Alex chouls solved this bug in 1 day , i want to thank him again :D


I do recommend tho to use Linker wizard or look for dedicated actions.

What was the solution to this? I can't find it on the Unity forum. Do you have a link or a solution?


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