
Author Topic: unity rewarded ad wont work at first time in apk  (Read 7138 times)


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unity rewarded ad wont work at first time in apk
« on: September 18, 2019, 11:37:43 AM »
Hi guys.

I have setup unity rewarded ads (using show ad action) several places throughout my game.

But there is a problem, when I build the game, in game when I run rewarded ad event for the first time (no matter in which page of the game) the ad plays successfully but the action wont fire success event and just pass to the next state.
After that everything just works fine, ads plays and success event fires successfully in every page.
Any Idea?

PS. The issue happen in build APK and there is no problem while I test the game in editor.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2019, 10:12:38 AM by HamidKarimian »

Broken Stylus

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Re: unity rewarded ad wont work at first time in apk
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2019, 12:17:04 PM »
Hi guys.

I have setup unity rewarded ads (using show ad action) several palaces throughout my game.

But there is a problem, when I build the game, in game when I run rewarded ad event for the first time (no matter in which page of the game) the ad plays successfully but the action wont fire success event and just pass to the next state.

If it does that it's likely because you have an exit transition that allows the flow to exit the state almost automatically (like FINISHED).
Perhaps add a little delay inside the state?

Have you tried to build a dummy test project with Unity ads and Playmaker only, plus some UI buttons and some prompt/display messages on screen, to see if that works at least?

The real test is on a device, in the Editor it won't reveal much since it's not done in "real" conditions.