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Long time PM user, Pre buy VRTK question on remote grab?


In this package, Is there a "distance or remote grab" action included?

Struggling with SteamVR on this single issue and prevent my progress.
I would easily pay 13£€$ whatever money format for this action at this point.


 Make sure you contact the author of this assets to check what's in there, I don't have this asset neither, so I don't know myself.



Hi, just making sure we are on the same page. VRTK 3 actions were all released for free by myself. VRTK 4 is now in beta. Unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion that I will not be supporting them due to their architectural style.

Most likely I will offer support for Unity XR toolkit instead. Now it is still pretty early. However, this is likely the way forward for unity. Currently, the Unity XR toolkit supports most major VR devices EXCEPT openVR/steamVR. Valve says they are working on it. Who knows how long that will be?


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