PlayMaker News > General Discussion

Instantly Enter PlayMode Unity 2019.3 for playmaker support?

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Just wanted to bump this mentioning its still relevant and actually dangerous since more and more people making the jump to 2020/21 are noticing the playmode hang and quickly finding (myself included) unity forum threads to check these play mode settings now that they arent experimental.

We have a beta version but we need some more testing on different projects.

If anyone is willing to test or explain some use cases how to 'Break' or repo bugs would help us a lot :)

if you have beta access it should be version 1.9.7f1 (found on google drive link)

if you don't have beta access send me your invoice and i will forward to Alex.

I just ran into this. 

It has completely stopped all progress on a project. 

Is there a solution?  Checking playmode options in Editor settings does not fix the issue. 

You need to uncheck all setting.

What playmaker version are you using?


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