
Author Topic: Cinemachine AxisState set properties - value and max speed[SOLVED]  (Read 15599 times)


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Re: Cinemachine AxisState set properties - value and max speed[SOLVED]
« Reply #30 on: June 01, 2020, 02:39:49 AM »

 are you sure it's not because the value is controlled by Unity inputs?

can you change it manually in the inspector?




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Re: Cinemachine AxisState set properties - value and max speed[SOLVED]
« Reply #31 on: June 07, 2020, 08:02:58 PM »
yes, I can change the visible angle by going over to the inspector and changing the value. it changes, and going back to the game window does not alter it against my wishes.

here is a vid of the problem. all transitions keep the camera's view angle. but going from first person to over the shoulder resets the Y value on the OTS view, and makes the character look down. all other transitions are fine. what is the best way to fix this, if not by setting the Y value manually upon transitioning from first-person to over the shoulder? I'm trying to do that, but it's not "sticking", and not setting the value, as discussed previously.


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Re: Cinemachine AxisState set properties - value and max speed[SOLVED]
« Reply #32 on: June 10, 2020, 01:31:18 AM »

 if you can change manually at runtime that value, you can change it with playmaker as well, can you confirm this?

I would ask on Cinemachine for the best way to set it up. Cinemachine can be very capricious and tricky to setup right.




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Re: Cinemachine AxisState set properties - value and max speed[SOLVED]
« Reply #33 on: June 10, 2020, 05:11:12 AM »
okay, I confirmed the action works correctly. I made an fsm with a GET KEY DOWN, and set the Y value after that, and it works. The problem seems to be, whenever I switch to a different CM camera using the send animator trigger for it, I then must wait like 0.2 seconds BEFORE using the Free Look Camera Set Y Axis Settings or it "won't have time to adjust" which is weird since the transitions are all simple Cuts.

That's true this was a workaround to deal with the fact the transitions didn't keep the angle to begin with, so I will ask the cinemachine people why the Y was getting reset to 1 upon each transition from the Virtual Camera to the Free Look Camera, as that SHOULD already work by default. Thanks!