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Jump n Run Template


I once wrote a jump n run template. Write what you think about it :)

Following Features are released:
-Paralax Scrolling
-Player Controll
-Player Crouch
-Player climb Ladders
-Player Jump, Doublejump, Multijump
-Player jump on Heads on Enemies to kill them (Mario-Style)
-3 different Enemies with AI
-2 Collectables
-Moving Platforms
-Switches and Doors
-Bouncing Pads

More Features are planed.

Fat Pug Studio:
This seems really good, i downloaded it and can't wait to try it out.

Uploaded it to GitHub to make the project easier to handle.

Update to Unity 2021 (rewritten project)
Control switched to Unity's new-input system
Changed project to URP as RenderPipeline

breakable and invisible platform
swinging blades

Added some bugfixes and new bugs :)

It turns out that there are problems with the archive provided. Some FSMs are swallowed up, etc. Therefore I offer the complete project for download until I have solved the problem. Only Playmaker should be installed. Please excuse the procedure.


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