YES. a third party asset. Playmaker has no liability to make your 3rd party assets work, there are probably 50 controller assets out there, maybe 5 of them HAVE playmaker actions, and as far as i'm concerned only one of them is good. so you can keep complaining to playmaker staff as to why "gamepad prototyper" isn't working, but playmaker staff NEVER made the playmaker actions. "gamepad prototyper" devs made the playmaker actions. Seriously if you can't afford $15 for an asset I HAVE TRIED, I HAVE USED, AND WILL ALWAYS USE. Give up. Clearly the playmaker only actions you've been provided with clashed with your crappy asset. FORGET IT. IT CLEARLY DOESN'T WORK WITH PLAYMAKER! That is not playmakers fault, its your third party dev. IF you want to use a third party asset 'I' use control freak 2. EVERYTHING you're complaining about is addressed in this asset. So beat a dead horse, or move on.