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Package Manager Bug!

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Alex Chouls:
If you are getting errors after importing or having trouble updating to the latest version of PlayMaker using the Package Manager or Asset Store, please check this thread:

Basically there are bugs in the Package Manager/Asset Store, and the workaround is to manually delete the downloaded package:

Windows: %APPDATA%\Unity\Asset Store-5.x\PUBLISHER\CATEGORY\PACKAGE.unitypackage
OSX: Library/Unity/Asset Store-5.x/PUBLISHER/CATEGORY/PACKAGE.unitypackage

After deleting the cached package, the Package Manager/Asset Store will download the correct version and you can import it.

NOTE: After importing you can install the latest version of PlayMaker from the Welcome Screen. If the project has errors the Welcome Screen may not be available, in which case you can import the latest version manually:

Main Menu > Assets > Import Package > Custom Package

See Also this thread on a related Asset Store bug:

it worked for me , deleting the package.

So I should update through package manager now? Or can I still use Asset Store?

Unity should have this issue solved by now.
If you have an issue follow the Step Alex mentioned to delete the package.

The fix is only on newer Unity versions. 2019.4 LTS might see the fix, but 2020+ is seeing the most resolved reports.

This is unfortunately a bug that affects all Asset Store publishers and users alike.


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