
Author Topic: ArrayMaker question when pulling a List of components from a c# script.  (Read 646 times)


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 1
Setup:  I have a c# that on startup creates a system collection (List) with a type of a custom component (c# script). Another GameObject (UI Panel) needs this list so it can render itself properly with data. I know how to do this using scripts but I wanted to try using PlayMaker but I cannot seem to figure out how to access the list on the first GameObject.

In my FSM on the first GO, I have it create the list by calling a setup method. It then calls the second GO (UI Panel) to activate and I then want it to pass the list of data so it can finish what it needs to.

I have tried placing the Play Maker List Proxy on each GO (trying to get access to the data), but can't find the right combo. I also tried using (with the proxy) an "Array List Create" and a "Array List copyTo" actions but still a no-go.

What is the best approach here? Also if I put an "Array List Create on GO 1 (where the script with the list I want to expose is) I can "see" the List<Component> object on it in the "References -> Convert -> " menu. But no clue if that is doing what I want as I cannot find any online docs regarding this option.



  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 8

I'm on the same boat. Can access a script List from PlayMaker or ArrayMaker, and can't find the way