Random bug I'm finding today.
I'm on Unity 2020.3.0f1
I have a few variables, all floats, in an FSM that I have checked on for the Inspector so I can easily change them during play time. Now, whenever I open the editor during testing on said FSM, I get: errors, the game pauses, and the bottom most float disappears from the inspector and the float values change. In the editor, the inspector box is still checked.
If I disable that box, which is the bottom most float variable in my variables list, the game will run when I open the editor, but the value of the float will still be replaced by the float I unchecked.
This only seems to happen on FSMs I've worked on today and it seems to have been triggered by adding a variable or renaming a variable in said FSMs. This appears to only be visual and not affecting the code itself but this also means I can't keep those variables in the inspector and I'm afraid may be corrupting those FSMs in question. I tried adding a new FSM and copying the values and pasting it into a new one but the errors followed.
These FSMs are on Prefabs. Unchecking the items from the inspector, running the game, then rechecking them doesn't seem to solve the issue. When all items are unchecked, no errors appear when opening the editor during play either.
Attached the console errors and before/after of the FSM.
EDIT: I just remembered a solution from a previous issue I had that seems to have solved this one. Copying the states directly from inside the editor and pasting them in a new one (as opposed from copying/pasting the values from the Unity Inspector) gets rid of the errors in case anyone else runs into this issue.