I make this post as feedback from my experience as publisher on steam.
I noticed that if everything is working fine while working on the Editor, or making a local build, some problems may appear once the build is sent to Steamworks, maybe because of some compiler parameters, I don't know, I used IL2CPP, because of a plugin I need in my project; but it's hard to know precisely where it's start splitting into "good code/bad code" after the build is outside my computer, especially because there are many APIs to do the same thing, with so many reasons to make a choice instead of another...
The main problem I encountered is the use of "Set property", which is not called
For example, if you plane to simply use "Set property > .active > True/false" to a GameObject, it will not be recognized. It's better to use the appropriate action "Activate GameObject".
I had the same bad experience using the "Set property" of a particle component, but also because its code was deprecated, but can still be fund inside the list of choices.
I had to code my own action to directly Set the right parameter, "emission.RateOverTime" instead of ".emissionRate".