
Author Topic: Regenerate enemies for Invector  (Read 1729 times)


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Regenerate enemies for Invector
« on: October 03, 2023, 11:56:39 AM »
Here is a working example to allow the Regenerate enemies using Playmaker.

This example requires Playmaker.

Download the package regenerate enemies Playmaker.

This package contains two prefabs EnemyAI_A, and enemyHealth-UI.

With Invector asset installed and also playmaker simply import the package.

Simply drag the prefab of the EnemyAI_A into your current scene.

Kill this enemy. to regenerate press F12.

There are a few elements exposed within the playmaker reanimate FSM

    Amount of health to add on regenerate
    Using UI health

The amount of health to add is currently set to 35, change this to suit your needs.

holder is the reference to the enemy you wish to use the ability.

Using UI health is preset in the example, but you can uncheck this if not using the Ui healthbar.

How it works:

We use the V ontrigger script to detect that the enemy is dead on DEAD we activate the playmaker FSM reanimate.

Once you press F12 this enemy will reanimate and can be killed again.

Free to use no credit required, but a thanks would be nice, lol.

Ideal for Zombies who need to be burned or their heads chopped off, simply replace the Get key down with a send event.

Feedback would be nice.

Any issues, please get in touch.

regrenerate enemies Playmaker updated