
Author Topic: Object not receiving value by "get event float data"  (Read 581 times)


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Object not receiving value by "get event float data"
« on: October 21, 2023, 03:18:03 PM »
The problem is occuring between my boss object and a floating damage text obj. When the boss takes damage it creates a floating dmg obj and in the same frame it sends a event to change the state in the floating dmg obj, sending also the damage value using "set event float data". But somehow the floating dmg obj is not receiving the damage value. It receives the event, and changes its state but it cant get the float dmg value. There is no other event messing with that object. See attachments.

I managed to find 2 solutions for this: in the send event action, use the delay adjuster to 0.1, then the dmg text obj will receive the value correctly. Another solution is to just not using any "set event data" action and just using the set float action to set it directly. It works for me but I want a explanation for why its having this behavior. Thanks.


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 21
    • Planet Jone
Re: Object not receiving value by "get event float data"
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2024, 07:28:51 AM »
I'm replying to an old message here, but just wanted to mention that I bumped into this same behavior now, although I'm working with string event data and not float.

I haven't understood this fully yet, but thanks for the "delay" tip, aids in my investigation.