PlayMaker Feedback > Action Requests

Object Component Not working for GridLayout for UI


Hello, I'm fairly new to creating stuff in Unity3d, Im not sure if I do it properly. I have created for my game layout (2D for UI) gridlayout for 100 slots. It gets created, now I need to let them stay in position, because after I click on any of the fields (its reward pick system) the object gets destroyed. The gridlayout then removes it from the childs. The problem is, I need them to stay in it's position which was added by GridLayout, but once they get destroyed, it just moves all along. It should do it I know. So I tried to activate object component and deactivate it afterwards. It just always stays on deactivated, doesn't matter in which part of the ScriptFlow I put it in, I tried to use bool on it, with setbool on StartState and then flip them once it goes further but it doesnt seem to work either. Any help? I tried the behaviour EnableBahviour action, Add Component and Destroy Component with combination of HasComponent switch and even downloaded the "Activate Component2" from the Ecosystem. Nothing seems to work. If you could help me somehow that would be really great. Other than that, Playmaker is absolute beast!!! I'm so happy I found this visual scripting solution. Thank you

I have answered on your other post.
Please post only once for the same subject.


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