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Get Rotation

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I need a "Wheel Collider Get World Pose " action.It is in the Ecosystem all right, but before using it I need te Wheel Collider's position and rotation. So I use "Get Rotation" and I specify as a parameter the Wheel Collider, which is defined as a Game Object in the FSM's variables.
Problem : I always get the simple version of "Get Rotation", the one with just the Game Object and the Space, when I need the full version, the one with the quaternion and the Euler angles.
Can you help? Thanks in advance.

Well, I'm not complaining; I fully realize and understand that Playmaker is not only an extremely useful product; it is also very complex and these things do happen.
But I want to stress the fact that this is neither a product of my fevered imagination nor a reflection of my ridiculous, infantile and illiterate brain or whatever takes its place... This is a real, actual problem (see attachments).
You see, ambiguous action names are not just an amusing mishap; they are a serious, annoying and above all misleading problem that must be fixed.
I understand that the two versions of "Get Rotation" appear in different contexts, I not only ask which version appears in which context, I'm asking for a problem fix.
Thanks in advance to the Playmaker staff.

Hello, check if you have the "dim" turned off, see attached screenshot.

btw about the wheel collider, itself won't give any good results of position/rotation actions for it, as the collider component will stay on the game object, but the damping/spring/steering will happen on the collider separately. The pose action should work, so you get the pose and set it to mesh wheel that is not a child or parent to the wheel collider

Thanks, 600. I don't see any problems in the hierarchy.
The rest of your comments is absolutely right, and I do that in a template used for my vehicle's wheels.

Oh, it's not on hierarchy, but the Playmaker Editor the State tab has gear icon


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