Yes we have iOS actions in the 1.1 update.
There are also iTween actions that are very powerful - great for moving characters/cameras around.
The scenario you describe will definitely be possible. In Playmaker you'd do this with a few states and events. For example:
Character FSM:
Idle: Random idle animations, waiting for a command. A MoveCommand event transitions to MoveToTarget.
MoveToTarget: Get target position from the event data and move towards it. A Finished event when the target is reached triggers a return to Idle.
Then you'd have a Controller FSM send the MoveCommand event on touching the world.
The cool thing about an FSM is it can start simple like this, but then you can quickly add states as needed to really flesh out the behavior (as opposed to a single script where all the logic is hidden and harder to change).
For example, lets say you want the character to acknowledge the MoveCommand - just add an Acknowledge state between Idle and MoveToTarget and have it play an animation/sound.