I thought it would also be safe to build the Vision Template by itself, just to make sure nothing was wrong with my installation. The templete built successfully if I did not include playmaker.
I then created an empty 3D BuiltInRP project. Set build target to VisionOS, targeted the simulatorSDK. Did a build, and it built fine. I then added Playmaker through package manager. I got a popup that the package contained scripts that needed updated. When it was done, I got errors in the console that said it was Unable to Update the playmaker assemblies:
Unable to update following assemblies:Assets/PlayMaker/Editor/PlayMakerEditor.dll (Name = PlayMakerEditor, Error = 131) (Output: /var/folders/f1/h6cdptln3zq7shtg3q4q6rz80000gn/T/tmp5f652abb.tmp)