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Help with State Transitions in Playmaker


Hi everyone!

I'm new to Playmaker and game development in general, and I've run into a bit of a challenge while trying to set up state transitions for my project. I'm working on a simple platformer, and I'm trying to transition from a "jumping" state back to a "walking" state when my character lands on the ground.

I've been able to create the "jump" and "walking" states just fine, but the problem is the transition between them doesn't seem smooth. Sometimes my character remains stuck in the "jumping" state even though they’ve landed. I'm guessing it's an issue with the condition I've set for detecting when my character touches the ground, but I’m not sure how to fix it.

Does anyone have tips on how to set up smoother transitions, especially for ground detection? Any advice or examples would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much!


 your condition for the jump transition to work should be a physical trigger on the floor, or a check on the player height.

Can you explain how to check if the player has finished jumping?



Hi Wetire3937, for smoother transitions between the "jumping" and "walking" states, the issue could be with how you're detecting when the character has landed.


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