Hello Everyone, i have been following BadSeedGames tutorial on AI, but he shows how to make one for a top down game, i came up with a few ideas and questions revolving his tutorial
PS. Im noob, i find tasks easy with playmaker except for AI, i havent watched all his video's yet, i just want to get it right on the first go, i have learned a lot from his video's but i feel they can be improved a little
the AI for detecting the player:
he uses 3 different types of ways to detect the player, Range, visibilty and FOV, and i assume it uses a lot of processing power if you make a stage full of them, wouldnt it be easier to remove the FOV and range and use a cone type collider as trigger for that? Is there any way to customize a collider shape? if that is possible it would cancel the FOV, range and there calculations and just use a trigger, so it only has 2 conditions that have to be met.
AI for following the player:
I have a couple of issues with this one where to get it to follow the player properly i had to remove the FOV, with the FOV he would stop as soon as i jumped over him an would just stand still doing noting, i tought of adding a second FOV surrounding the the enemy but it would just use 1 more fsm and calculations when using his method.
AI For enemy attack:
He uses 4 different states to perform one attack animation, idle, readying, attack and recover. I managed to do this in one state with one animation, what would be the difference in using 4 instead of just using 1?
If anyone has any templates i could use, advice, or a suggested item in the asset store or video tutorial, i would appreciate it