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/ * Get Signed Angle to Target - Playmaker Custom Action * */using UnityEngine;namespace HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions{ [ActionCategory(ActionCategory.Transform)] [Tooltip("Gets the signed Angle (in degrees, clockwise, -180 to 180) between a Game Object's forward axis and a Target. The Target can be defined as a Game Object or a world Position. If you specify both, then the Position will be used as a local offset from the Object's position.")] public class GetSignedAngleToTarget : FsmStateAction { [RequiredField] public FsmOwnerDefault gameObject; public FsmGameObject targetObject; public FsmVector3 targetPosition; public FsmBool ignoreHeight; [RequiredField] [UIHint(UIHint.Variable)] public FsmFloat storeAngle; public bool everyFrame; public override void Reset() { gameObject = null; targetObject = null; targetPosition = new FsmVector3 { UseVariable = true}; ignoreHeight = true; storeAngle = null; everyFrame = false; } public override void OnLateUpdate() { DoGetAngleToTarget(); if (!everyFrame) { Finish(); } } void DoGetAngleToTarget() { var go = Fsm.GetOwnerDefaultTarget(gameObject); if (go == null) { return; } var goTarget = targetObject.Value; if (goTarget == null && targetPosition.IsNone) { return; } Vector3 targetPos; if (goTarget != null) { targetPos = !targetPosition.IsNone ? goTarget.transform.TransformPoint(targetPosition.Value) : goTarget.transform.position; } else { targetPos = targetPosition.Value; } if (ignoreHeight.Value) { targetPos.y = go.transform.position.y; } var localTarget = go.transform.InverseTransformPoint(targetPos); // This will only work with vectors on XZ plane, so ignore height is irrelevant. Update description/etc asap. storeAngle.Value = Mathf.Atan2(localTarget.x, localTarget.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; } }}