
Author Topic: Cursor locking in wrong Y position  (Read 1611 times)


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Cursor locking in wrong Y position
« on: February 02, 2013, 06:51:01 AM »
Hi everyone, first post here, so consider me a bit of a student to the ways of PlayMaker.

Anyway, my issue. I'm making a game with a first person view and cursor based interactions, nothing wildly outlandish. I've noticed that setting a cursor to lock and hide using the Set Cursor action on my manager object doesn't actually centre it properly. It's wrong on the Y axis by varying amounts depending on the aspect ratio of the window. I've tried building the game to an app and running that to see if it's just a Unity Editor bug like there used to be, but it's still wrong.

I looked in the mouse_cursor.cs script to see if there was any way I could fix or at least edit the math thats setting where it's locked and it seems like there's a few lines at the bottom commented out that might help, but re-enabling them breaks the script altogether.

I've tried running the No Exit sample demo, and the cursor position's wrong in there too, so it's nothing wrong in my code or scene.

Anyone else noticed/fixed this?

Thanks :)