

Can you contribute?

Absolutely, I can and am willing to donate a decent amount no problem.
1 (20%)
I can and am willing to chip in a couple bucks.
2 (40%)
My finances are really, really tight... Maybe not now but later on down the road.
1 (20%)
Sorry... But I just cannot afford to do so.
1 (20%)
Money? no... But I have other ways I can contribte (leave a comment how in this thread.)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Author Topic: Playmaker Contest Poll: Would you be able to contribute to a prize pool?  (Read 2930 times)


  • Hero Member
  • *****
  • Posts: 563
So, Here's a poll.

If the subject of a contest actually does get off the ground to help build awareness as well as a means to get more users using Playmaker, would you be able to help chip in in some capacity?

A couple options I was thinking.

If the prize pool gets large and there are some really hefty donations, we could make the prize a full version of Unity...

If there is a trial version of Playmaker, we could have the prize be a full license of Playmaker...

If there is no trial version of Playmaker, we could have the prize be a credit to the person's asset-store account...

Leave your response here... Let's see if this is something that we can do as a community.