That asset-pack i was talking about has finally been vetted by the Unity staff and it's now available on the asset store! you can tell if you've been following my tutorial series, the AI and camera system is there but there are some extras which i'll be releasing tutorial videos soon to cover... so, if you aren't sure you want to drop $10 to get this pack, if you're patient, i will be covering all of it on my tutorial videos soon.
Wasn't sure if this should be general discussion or the showcase so i thought showcase would probably be a better option since it's technically a complete game in and of itself (aside from there being no art assets... but that's where you can drop your own in there.)
If you have any questions feel free to ask them and i'll do my best to make sure they're answered.
Please note, the lists of tutorials below are not a direct indicator of the package's current assets... there are some there that I am aiming to incorporate once i've finalized something that works well out of the box as well as some hints at what direction i'd like to take this package.
Also, a disclaimer... the art assets that are on the asset page are used for promotional purposes only and the geometry and textures are not included in the pack. I'm not yet ready to sell those since they're from my current game.
I have finally added a survey that customers can fill out to help me improve on the package as well as to improve the ease-of-use of this package.
You can find the survey here: do not fill this out if you haven't purchased this package... Also, try and play around with it a bit first before filling it out. That way you can get a better feel for how much value this package has for you as well as to give you a better understanding of it's functionality. If you have an immidiate concern that you would like to have addressed, feel free to contact me either here on this forum through the private messaging function, as a comment (though to be honest I would much prefer it being private but if you would rather not then that's okay) or through email at BadSeedGames at gmail dot com.
I am also looking into the possibility of offering one-on-one consultations to help you get on your way or to help figure out any difficulties you may be having. this will need to be done through Skype so please ask me in private what to add... I will also be using the Join-me screen sharing application so you can be assured that the consultations will be private. That said, if you wish to have a consultation set up please understand that it should be mainly for technical questions and any difficulties... I can and am willing to help you shape your own game but this isn't to say that i'm going to do the work for you