
Author Topic: 3rd-person Action game framework!  (Read 26839 times)


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3rd-person Action game framework!
« on: March 27, 2013, 08:24:55 AM »
That asset-pack i was talking about has finally been vetted by the Unity staff and it's now available on the asset store!

as you can tell if you've been following my tutorial series, the AI and camera system is there but there are some extras which i'll be releasing tutorial videos soon to cover... so, if you aren't sure you want to drop $10 to get this pack, if you're patient, i will be covering all of it on my tutorial videos soon.

Wasn't sure if this should be general discussion or the showcase so i thought showcase would probably be a better option since it's technically a complete game in and of itself (aside from there being no art assets... but that's where you can drop your own in there.)

If you have any questions feel free to ask them and i'll do my best to make sure they're answered.

Please note, the lists of tutorials below are not a direct indicator of the package's current assets... there are some there that I am aiming to incorporate once i've finalized something that works well out of the box as well as some hints at what direction i'd like to take this package.

Also, a disclaimer... the art assets that are on the asset page are used for promotional purposes only and the geometry and textures are not included in the pack. I'm not yet ready to sell those since they're from my current game.


I have finally added a survey that customers can fill out to help me improve on the package as well as to improve the ease-of-use of this package.

You can find the survey here:

Please do not fill this out if you haven't purchased this package... Also, try and play around with it a bit first before filling it out. That way you can get a better feel for how much value this package has for you as well as to give you a better understanding of it's functionality. If you have an immidiate concern that you would like to have addressed, feel free to contact me either here on this forum through the private messaging function, as a comment (though to be honest I would much prefer it being private but if you would rather not then that's okay) or through email at BadSeedGames at gmail dot com.

I am also looking into the possibility of offering one-on-one consultations to help you get on your way or to help figure out any difficulties you may be having. this will need to be done through Skype so please ask me in private what to add... I will also be using the Join-me screen sharing application so you can be assured that the consultations will be private. That said, if you wish to have a consultation set up please understand that it should be mainly for technical questions and any difficulties... I can and am willing to help you shape your own game but this isn't to say that i'm going to do the work for you ;)
« Last Edit: August 09, 2013, 05:00:59 PM by Red »


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Re: 3rd-person Action game framework!
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2013, 08:31:23 AM »
I'm going to snag this spot for a chapter listing of the assets in the packs and the links to the appropriate videos. Please note that there are some features in some of the chapters that go beyond what the tutorial videos show. there will be videos of these in the future but for now, you can consider them bonuses if you decide you would rather not wait for the videos to be posted.

Basic AI V1.0:

Basic AI V1.1:
-coming soon-

Third-person Camera system:


Player management and instantiation:
-coming soon-

Weapon Management and Selection:
-coming soon-

-coming soon-

Weapon Pickups:
-coming soon-

Health and Status-Effects:
-coming soon-

The Regeneration station:
-coming soon-

Particle effects:
-coming soon-

Dynamic pooling:
-coming soon-

Targeting and Material management:
-coming soon-

Mecanim Integration:
-coming soon-

Navmesh Integration:
-coming soon-


Yes, I know there are more "coming soon"s than there are links... I've not forgotten about them and I have been working towards getting them up. Rest assured I do want to make sure that there are eventually no more "coming soon"s on that list. All I ask is for some patience because I want to make sure I do it right (and that takes work.)
« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 08:07:25 PM by Red »


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Re: 3rd-person Action game framework!
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2013, 02:27:30 PM »
Great Red, i bought it immediately .

We need more of these templates, for example a 3d space shooter or a racing template.

Can you also make a tutorial to integrate animated characters with the player and enemies.

Keep up the good work.


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Re: 3rd-person Action game framework!
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2013, 07:24:41 PM »
wow, Thanks! :D

I do agree, there is surely a niche in the asset store for templates for complete games... as awesome as the various learning materials are one thing i've noticed is that when it comes to games, there are a finite number of ways to execute it... so, as powerful as game development can be, most people tend to gravitate to one of a handful of types of gameplay structures (from FPS, run-n-jumps, side-scrollers, third-person, driving, sim, god-games, etc...) there are a lot of structures but it's rare where a gameplay structure diverges from the lot and succeeds in doing so.

With that being said, it's kinda like that phrase "it's all be done before" which is kinda true... so, whenever people ask me what it takes to be in game development, it isn't purely innovation, it's also how you do it... for example, my actual game-game is a top-down action game and it's not bringing anything significantly new to the table (As a lot of the mechanics have been used in other games before it.) but, i'm not doing it to be unique or original, i'm doing it because i think it'd be a fun game to play and that's kinda what gaming is about... having fun.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2013, 07:27:23 PM by Red »


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Re: 3rd-person Action game framework!
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2013, 11:38:50 PM »
Great Red ;D

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Re: 3rd-person Action game framework!
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2013, 11:48:18 PM »
Cool, looking forward to buy it.

I got couple of packages submitted to Asset Store. I don't know what's going on there. First, I wait for 15 days to hear that I have to change the name of the package. I resubmitted. Then after waiting another 25 days, and repeated reminder mails to them, there's still no sign of the package. Then I mailed their admins, they said that they can't find my package in the queue. I resubmitted again, counting another 5 days, still no sign of it.

It's kinda test of patience.


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Re: 3rd-person Action game framework!
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2013, 12:24:03 AM »

sorry for stupid question,but what is Dynamic pooling?

Thanks in advance.



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Re: 3rd-person Action game framework!
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2013, 12:45:07 AM »
Hi Red,

 This is really looking great, congrats! I hope you will do well on the asset store!!!




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Re: 3rd-person Action game framework!
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2013, 03:51:35 PM »
Thank you very much for all the encouragement!

to dev_xrt: Pooling is as best as i understand a way of having objects that would be instantiated as being already created but stored somewhere in an inert state. the way i have the system set up in the pack is that you make a prefab from the "pool" base object, rename it, tell it what object it's going to handle and how many to have as a minimum and it'll always make sure that there is enough in your pool for when you need to instantiate. it's a way of shaving down the costs on the CPU because in my tests, i kinda realized that the weapon systems for my game would cause a momentary pause when the ninja threw too many shuriken. I'm sure there's a lot more to it and i've seen some pooling packages that are pretty hardcore but the one in the asset pack is just a basic one. it helps keep the costs low as long as the weapon using it talks to it in the right way (not hard at all... look at the landmine weapon object for how i had it set up.)


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Re: 3rd-person Action game framework!
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2013, 07:29:35 AM »
Hi Red,

I am new to Playmaker, and decided to buy your 3rd person action game framework because i mostly enjoy this gameplay style.

Can I make a 3rd person melee fighting game with your asset or is this only for shooting games? i'm sure i probably can use it for melee style, but i guess what im really asking is how hard will it be to do as it seems you designed to work better for shooting games.   

please do let me know when you can.



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Re: 3rd-person Action game framework!
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2013, 11:17:54 AM »
Kuroato: Well, it was designed with a primarily ranged weapon system but given that all the weapons that are used are separate objects themselves, you can code them to behave however you want. A couple ways i'd probably tackle a melee set would be to have one being timed by the animation with a bounding box where you want to have something like the fist collider, knife collider, etc and give that a set of on-offs and toggles so you can store the details of the hit... using that method you can fire off a quick little "i've hit you" event with the data used (so, a float for the damage you're dealing or a toggle for a status effect, etc.) Another way would be to have a basic collider on the weapon itself and have a sort of collection algorithm made up that will gather how many enemies are in a particular zone (probably a trigger) and you could choose a random one or many... what you shape the trigger as will determine it's general feel so a tornado kick might be a round trigger whereas a forward lunge will have a more rectangular trigger.

I'm sure there are more, but that's why i aimed for a more "gameObject" driven system. it's easier to swap them out as you need without having to alter the character's base "code" as you will. I guess you could use this sort of game slotting for any kind of game, really... it all depends on what you want to do with it.


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Re: 3rd-person Action game framework!
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2013, 08:21:06 AM »
just purchased this, interested to see how your weapon system works.

As already said could do with more like this



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Re: 3rd-person Action game framework!
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2013, 09:11:04 AM »
Hey Red!

I just saw this post, I'll pick it up later today - looking forward to seeing how you handle the systems =)

I really want to put one of these together as well, so its encouraging to see other people submitting kits and getting the ball rolling.
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Re: 3rd-person Action game framework!
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2013, 05:23:47 PM »
I really want to put one of these together as well, so its encouraging to see other people submitting kits and getting the ball rolling.

Go for it!

Though, be sure to put together an as comprehensive as possible help file. a good rule is to assume that the end user has no idea what any of it is (assuming a general level of knowledge of Unity's systems is a good place though... makes no sense reiterating something that's in their help file.)

The first time this was rejected, it was because the EULA i wrote conflicted with their own (which is solid and probably much more comprehensive and protecting because Unity does have access to an actual lawyer... so, why reinvent the wheel?) second time was because the help files i had were not good.

if you've got it, read the help file and the tips and tricks. most of it will probably be old-hat for you anyway but take a look at what got this one cleared... I don't know how much you could pare away from mine or how you'd have to set it up for your own system but if you've got the drive, certainly go for it!

If you'd like, maybe we can collaborate so that we know what packages we're putting up so we don't step on each other's toes? I mean, yeah, if you feel you could do a better job with the asset pack, by all means (just don't repackage my own into your own pack ;)) I mean, i have a whole bunch in mind but not many of them have stuff behind them and the results of the one i've got on the asset store are encouraging (though i don't expect this to be a constant thing.)

So, if you want to do an asset pack, definitely do it! just make sure you cross all your Ts and dot all your Is.


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Re: 3rd-person Action game framework!
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2013, 08:44:10 PM »
I'll probably end up picking this up at some time. Your asset store page would be better if you had a youtube and webplayer link in it.