So glad to see you finish this.
Any chance of you posting a demo of the package?
Is it only Unity 4.0? I'm still a 3.5 chump.
This is "Subshape" by the way...I watched all your previous videos on youtube and would love to pick up this package if it can run on Unity 3.5.
Thanks again for your hard work, and tutorial videos.
And thank you for being supporting!
as for demos... well, i've been made aware that the webplayer files aren't exactly good when it comes to encryption in that with the right program you can crack open the DLLs and extract everything that went into it from there... and since i do have a paranoid streak i'd be worried that someone would take it, crack it and share it around... sure that does kinda paint me in a bit of a "he's a money grubbing meanie" kinda view but to be honest there was a lot of work that went into this and it's currently helping me to be able to afford to get the packages and stuff that I need to complete my game (since i've been between gigs for a while and money is tight when I am.) Basically, the revenue from this package has given me the ability to invest in NGUI, various art assets which i'm not great at making myself, helping with animation source files... so, it's all being used to help make my dream of opening an actual game studio a reality, even though it's small steps (the game that's been taking the lion's share of my time and energy is what i hope will get me started on that path.)
As for unity 3.5... well, i want to... i really do... but i've only got one computer here and unless someone can point me in the right direction to have both versions of unity installed that aren't going to run conflicts between each other, i'm kinda stuck with 4 for now (though i AM hoping to invest in a lap top since i will need to travel... but that's a tall order.) i have talked to a couple room mates about it and they're kinda open to the idea but the timing is tricky since one is a truck driver and the other lives by their laptop so i can't give them a specific window as to how long i'd need to use their computer to do the testing of this package to ensure it's compatability with 3.5. I know i'm alienating a large portion of Unity users and I really wish that weren't the case but sometimes you have to play the cards you're dealt.

As for an update to the general package itself, I've noticed that there have been some users here, there and other places that have had some difficulties so i'm looking into ways which i can offer some hand's on support so as to ensure that they have a smooth experience using them... and i've also gotten a lot closer to getting the PDF made up (with diagrams and illustrations and all that fancy stuff) as well as some hopeful additions to the entire package... I've been testing a pathing system as well as an aggro management system as well as some more weapons to use (so as to show how this system can handle multiple character classes since it is based off of the systems i'm using for my main game.) So, there's a lot that i've been working on to get this to work... that said, i don't want to include them until i KNOW that they will work and will be easy to use. as such, there's a lot of testing involved. (and so far as much as the pathing system is kinda working, it's still a little on the slow side of things and is a bit glitchy at times and doesn't seem to like it when there are too many (so far i've tested with an array of about 30 nodes... most of the slowdown is during initial compile though but still it's something that i'm trying to refine.)... I'm trying to iron that out.)
... that and i've also been fiddling around with a couple other packs... though, i'll save them for when they are ready (which is probably going to be a while since i do try and test them until they bleed so as to ensure that they are as functional as i can make them and as user-friendly as I am able to make them.)