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Warfront Defenders PlayMaker Kit


Flying Robot:
The 2nd PlayMaker Kit is now available in the Unity Asset Store!

Warfront Defenders PlayMaker Kit

Warfront Defenders Playmaker Kit, is a World War 2 based Tower Defense game project made using Hutong Games PlayMaker. The core mechanics is based around generic Tower Defense with some unique flavours.Because it’s built with Playmaker and Fully Documented it’s very easy to grasp the logic and the mechanics of the game. Programmers and non-programmers alike, it’s very easy to customize the elements and extend/modify the logic to make entirely unique Tower Defense games.

This game is still in active development and will transform into a complete game. While the source of it’s first prototype is and will always be available as a Tower Defense PlayMaker Kit through Unity Asset Store.

*PlayMaker is a Trademark of Hutong Games LLC


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