
Author Topic: Coffee Talk! General chit-chat thread.  (Read 3061 times)


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Coffee Talk! General chit-chat thread.
« on: May 05, 2013, 11:19:24 AM »
Pull up a chair, grab a coffee, tea, pop or whatever it is you like to drink and let's have a general chat thread.

a thread to talk about pretty much anything you want (as long as it's within the rules of the forum... so, no profanity or controversial/inflammatory subects please... stuff you'd be comfortable talking about with friends in a cafe.)

So, to start off... maybe an introduction? that seems like a good ice-breaker.

Nickname's Red, also known as Redz0ne and Wes (if you know me in real life) I've been doing game development for about three-four years now and have been a freelancer/generalist for the CG industry (Specializing in rigging mainly) for about 10 years*. got burnt out on that (too many less-than-ideal "bosses") and decided that i would probably fare better if i were my own boss... so, i'm working towards building my own studio to make games (if my current games and other ventures end up netting me enough to do this.) I'm a big fan of games, i've gamed since i was 4 (atari 2600: Zaxxon as well as Yar's Revenge were my addictions at the time.) and i've also had quite the journey in terms of life experiences. i'm 34, turning 35 in less than a month (woot! Cakeday!) and live in Canada, in the Greater Toronto Area (west side.)

I'm not the A1 greatest there is but i don't consider myself a slouch either. I'm even borderline addicted to gaming and game development... so, i have the passion... and I've also run some tutorial videos on youtube to help learn some playmaker tutorials (though i've been procrastinating on doing more... i know i should, i owe it to all of you and all my subscribers... but, i've also got a vicious anxiety disorder as well so recording videos is sometimes challenging.)

oh, and did i mention i'm also ADD/ADHD as well? yeah... so, needless to say.... OOH, I see a SQUIRREL!!!! :lol:

*I'm not a master when it comes to rigging but i'm certainly no slouch. so, if you're using max and need some extra eyes for your own rigs, i can see about offering my services... though, that's a consultation and as such, i'd have to charge... sorry, but a guy's got bills to pay. ;)
« Last Edit: May 05, 2013, 11:23:51 AM by Red »


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Re: Coffee Talk! General chit-chat thread.
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2013, 12:47:50 PM »
Nice One!

So, the Nick is Mayhem. I'm 24 years old and live in Germany, so -> not a native speaker, apologizing right now for possible grammar-mistakes :D
Two years ago I started to study (german) "Informatik - Digitale Medien und Spiele"
/ "Computer Science - Digital Media and Games". It ended up being boring and impractical. It did good in a certain way: I finally realized what I wanted to do in my life: Making Games and making games only. Before studying I never programmed before. I just worked with a tool (maybe some of you know it or even worked with it, too) called "RPG Maker 2000". While studying I learned the basics of object-oriented programming, but nothing about gamedevelopment which made me very unsatisfied. So I decided to teach myself.
In that time I met an interesting girl which happend to become my girlfriend which is also my partner: Together we started an Indie-Studio and are currently working on our very first game which will be available for the iOS-Plattform.
As "Indies" we don't have any budget, so I have to work at a part-time job to earn money for living costs and stuff, but the rest of the time I am dedicated to work on our Game(s) and the establishing of our Studio and Company-to-be.

She and her friend both are the Artists and I am the Gamedesigner/Programmer. That been said: I am not a great Programmer (can work in Java, Javascript and C#, I prefer C#), but I can manage to write my own scripts or tweaking some other scripts. And as soon I heard of PlayMaker I felt in love with it, and yeah: here I am :)