Found the beta-invite, yes, spam folder, sorry.
Installing 1.6.3, wow, that state that had changed name all the sudden during the video shot (again sorry for lack of resolution, I hope you can see at least parts of what is going on) - that state is back to the name I gave it just by installing this!
So something rocked at the right spot.
So far so good.
As for the rest - maybe this project is so screwed up now that nothing can save it, not even 1.6.3, but basically I still have a mess:
I apply something to a prefab, and some instances get the update. I apply something else, and they all get it.
Parts they do not get / get at a random are links to prefab.
Parts they do get, are "visual drawings" (pictures of states) in the playmaker windows.
I keep getting annoying "Setup errors": Required field in (prefab) - I think for every prefab that is linking to a prefab in a field, there is such an error (but I have not counted - would be insane to try)
All in all it's like a missing / corrupted link between "mother prefabs" and "instantiated prefabs".
Just (tried to) provoke 2 errors in one instantiated version of a freshly imported prefab. And only 1 is showing up. (Setup errors went from 9 to 10)
Deleted it, did the same thing again, now errors stays at 9. It's not worth trying to find heads and tales, it's a more fundamental thing.
Something is out of sync, basically