
Author Topic: Playmaker is changing the name of a global variable  (Read 45763 times)


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Re: Playmaker is changing the name of a global variable
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2013, 03:41:41 PM »

I can confirm that I always have Globals variables window open (because it's a pain that one can no longer change variables from local to Global)

And.. I just discovered something worse, setting me back to last backup:

When trying to clean up: I wanted to delete all prefabs, so I only had 1 instance of the object. For "safety" (good call - not) I dumped that one working prefab as a new, and deleted everything else.

Importing that one good prefab then turned out to be the fabric of a prefab I made days ago - and not the one that I had up and running well and planned to clone.


But yes, I can confirm, I always have the Globals window docked, I'll kill it before I move on ;/

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Re: Playmaker is changing the name of a global variable
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2013, 03:46:44 PM »
It also only seems to happen in Unity4.x not 3.5.x, so I need to do some digging to figure out what changed in Unity...


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Re: Playmaker is changing the name of a global variable
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2013, 04:05:34 PM »
Confirmed: Unity 4, Pro.

Alex Chouls

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Re: Playmaker is changing the name of a global variable
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2013, 04:33:54 PM »
Confirmed: Unity 4, Pro.

Thanks. I think I have a fix. I sent you an invite to the beta. If you have a chance to test the fix that would be great!


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Re: Playmaker is changing the name of a global variable
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2013, 04:37:30 PM »
Unfortunately at least one problem (we do not know if they are related) is not fixed by not having the Globals Variables open.

Look at the two screendumps. They are both instances of the same prefab.

The fact that there even is the "WallKick" state is because one prefab had this added, and "Apply" was pressed on that.

The GameObject linked to in one ("SubRoutines") is a prefab (and trying with a non-prefab gave same result) .

I am pretty sure PlayMaker used to include the GameObject in other prefabs when pressing apply.

Now I am back to that one who did not include the link being a "ghost" that I "manually" can update - but it's only visible in the PlayMaker window:

* It does not run as if my manual updates gave any effect.
* When I right click at the global event "WallKick", "Sent by", only the "original" is stated as sending, so the interface is showing me that I am linking, but under the hood it's not. And apparently I cannot force it either.

If I then try and Apply from one of the ghosts that I have forced to link, all other that where not working before has visual indication of being correct.

But Right clicking on the global event still only shows the very first link.. and so on, now everything is screwed up again - It's impossible to tell what is real and what is ghosts..

PS: Just saw your post about inviting me to beta - I did not receive any mail - my mail address is fritslyneborg() - where did you send?
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 04:45:49 PM by FritsLyn »


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Re: Playmaker is changing the name of a global variable
« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2013, 07:23:43 PM »
In my tests it works properly if I don't have the Globals Window open - can you confirm the same?

Yep, this is the case for me too. So long as I don't have my globals tab active, the variables will return to their original values. I'm on Unity 4x as well.

I can probably work with this for now, just gotta remember to click off the globals tab before hitting the play button! Although, I'm kinda paranoid about touching anything now based on Frits' last post...

Alex Chouls

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Re: Playmaker is changing the name of a global variable
« Reply #21 on: July 09, 2013, 11:07:02 PM »
PS: Just saw your post about inviting me to beta - I did not receive any mail - my mail address is fritslyneborg() - where did you send?

I used that address. Maybe check your spam...?

I'll look into the other issue you described.

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Re: Playmaker is changing the name of a global variable
« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2013, 12:36:58 AM »
Unfortunately at least one problem (we do not know if they are related) is not fixed by not having the Globals Variables open.

Look at the two screendumps. They are both instances of the same prefab.


I'm having a hard time reproducing this. Maybe I'm not following your steps properly. I was able to specify a GameObject (a prefab) in a Prefab Instance and Apply that change to the Prefab parent. It seemed to work as expected.

Can you make a quick video capture to show the repro steps? Does it happen in any project, or just with this FSM?


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Re: Playmaker is changing the name of a global variable
« Reply #23 on: July 10, 2013, 04:03:05 AM »
Here's a video of how I screw up my project for you :)

[EDIT: Just saw what an awful quality that is - here's another version of the same material, maybe it's better. I am not going to screw up my project again to make a video in higher quality - sorry for the lack of attention in the first place]

Note in the end how another prefab changes (visually in PlayMaker - I do not think it's real, it's a ghost). I haven't seen that one before myself, I am glad I caught it on tape :D

As for your question:
"Does it happen in any project, or just with this FSM?"

Well, that's the two extremes, I'm landing in between:

Strange things has happened lately overall - and I am only working on one project.

As mentioned earlier, I did recently upgrade to 1.6.2.f3 - I am not sure how far I was behind, but it was not many versions. In fact I remember thinking that I only took the latest update, and then skimmed release notes, and noticed that I had probably missed a couple of updates.

I would like to save my project by lifting it over to a new / fresh installation, but as written earlier, when I work with the prefabs now (which is necessary in order to make "packages") they are really strange..

A zipped version of my project is 171MB, maybe if you have a place I can throw it up to?
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 06:56:17 AM by FritsLyn »


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Re: Playmaker is changing the name of a global variable
« Reply #24 on: July 10, 2013, 05:24:26 AM »
Found the beta-invite, yes, spam folder, sorry.

Installing 1.6.3, wow, that state that had changed name all the sudden during the video shot (again sorry for lack of resolution, I hope you can see at least parts of what is going on) - that state is back to the name I gave it just by installing this!

So something rocked at the right spot.

So far so good.

As for the rest - maybe this project is so screwed up now that nothing can save it, not even 1.6.3, but basically I still have a mess:

I apply something to a prefab, and some instances get the update. I apply something else, and they all get it.

Parts they do not get / get at a random are links to prefab.

Parts they do get, are "visual drawings" (pictures of states) in the playmaker windows.

I keep getting annoying "Setup errors": Required field in (prefab)  - I think for every prefab that is linking to a prefab in a field, there is such an error (but I have not counted - would be insane to try)

All in all it's like a missing / corrupted link between "mother prefabs" and "instantiated prefabs".


Just (tried to) provoke 2 errors in one instantiated version of a freshly imported prefab. And only 1 is showing up. (Setup errors went from 9 to 10)

Deleted it, did the same thing again, now errors stays at 9. It's not worth trying to find heads and tales, it's a more fundamental thing.

Something is out of sync, basically :)
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 05:32:06 AM by FritsLyn »


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Re: Playmaker is changing the name of a global variable
« Reply #25 on: July 10, 2013, 06:38:10 AM »
Alex: I have Google-drive-shared the project from the video with you.


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Re: Playmaker is changing the name of a global variable
« Reply #26 on: July 10, 2013, 03:09:12 PM »
Alex, I have tested and stripped down, and here is a video showing the bug on a completely new project, RC3.

I am sorry for the video being 6+ minutes long, after all this testing it's kind of hard to find up and down - and I'd hate to say something that was my own fault was a bug.

But I think that if you see through the video you will see an example of something totally wrong, in a completely stripped down environment.

It's a lot heavier than this in real life with global variables and several prefabs etc, but I wanted to take away all confusion, and this was the simplest I could get.

I hate to write this part, but I have to: I really hope this will be fixed, my entire work is in pieces - I can of course go back a few versions and find older versions of Playmaker, but still.


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Re: Playmaker is changing the name of a global variable
« Reply #27 on: July 10, 2013, 03:39:21 PM »
Thanks for the video. Don't worry, we'll definitely fix this! Playmaker doesn't handle Apply explicitly, Unity should take care of this. But I know they changed how this worked in Unity 4.x so I need to do some digging...

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Re: Playmaker is changing the name of a global variable
« Reply #28 on: August 23, 2013, 09:01:33 AM »
I posted an update on this issue here:

We're working on getting a fix out asap!


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Re: Playmaker is changing the name of a global variable
« Reply #29 on: September 26, 2013, 05:21:18 AM »
So is the other bug fixed? I mean the bug which does not reset the Values of the Global Variables after running the game in the editor while the Global-Variables-Window is open.

It's nothing game-breaking, but it would be nice if this was also fixed.

(I'm experiencing this behaviour with the latest version of Unity AND the latest version of PlayMaker!)