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2.5D Platformer

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Hey all.  I am creating a 2.5D game for my class project. My main character will only move in X and Y direction and have the ability to Run, Jump, Double Jump, Wall Jump, climb ladder, swing on a rope and shoot projectiles that he will collect during the game. I don't have any programming experience so decided to look at Playmaker since it seems to have a lot of options. Would love to hear from you guys. Thanks.


I am not aware of a sample that does all the things you want to do, have you checked the asset stroe for 2.5d frameworks? that could help you get there quicker as well as using PlayMaker.



I recommend this Plugin:

It does everything you want out of the box, I'm using it myself and I'm very happy with it.

Thanks guys. I've actually used 2d platformer controller myself and really liked it but for the sake of this assignment I would to create it myself, that's why I thought about using Playmaker. Basically I'm trying to replicate that 2D PC in playmaker. Is that possible? Thanks.

You can definitely do all of that with Playmaker, its just a matter of wiring it up. Using a premade framework along with Playmaker would just be more efficient.


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