Heya, Welcome to all of our new forum members! Yeay's it's great to see new faces... er usernames and hear your thoughts, well not actually hear, more like read, but you know what I mean :-) Thanks for joining us!
Elvis: Yes, Playmaker has grown past beta stage and is now a proper incarnation of itself. We couldn't hold it back any longer, but now it can grow!
Danny! We look forward to our forum/Playmaker growth as well! I'm thinking like weeds, not bad weeds mind you, growth like nice hearty weeds, think dandelions!
Pleasuremaker thanks again for the lovely comments!
Billwaa: sadly we don't have a student edition... yet, man yet! ;-) Hopefully you can check out what folks are saying about it and see what they're making and get a sense on whether Playmaker is for you. (I'm thinking it is... but I am biased