Please go and download the playmaker ngui examples for a working scene where table content is loaded using playmaker
https://hutonggames.fogbugz.com/default.asp?W1111 open the "Example 9 PlayMaker Table", it's based on example 9 of ngui.
in your case, the difference will simply be that you get the details from your database, and the process will be identical actually, you will iterate using "STEP" event and add a child to the ngui table.
this example is quite advanced, because I wanted to keep everything that was in that example. So a lot of tricks and feature is provided here.
-- you'll notice that the coloring is kept, so you can leanr how to build complex strings to feed ngui with rich text for it labels
-- I kept the row design intact, it meant that the description, which is disabled by default has to get its content when it's enabled, which means some by pass, the description is first hosted on the row game object, ready to be accessed by the description label when activated. for this I added two new actions to parse and encode colors from unity colors to ngui colors.
-- you'll notice that I force the description gameObject deactivation at start, because when you instance prefabs, Unity really mess up and simply ignore the activation state and activate everything... this is bad and require this kind of work around.
-- you'll notice also, that I force repositionning of the table, after I added all the rows, failing to do so will result in a visual mess.
-- adding gameobjects as childs of a ngui table ( or any ngui elements), will also results in visual mess, that's why I added the custom action "NguiToolsAddChild", this is a special ngui method that you must call for any parenting.
-- WARNING: when you work with ngui prefab, NEVER drop them outside ngui panels or elements, it will corrupt the prefab. so in this case, if you must edit the prefab in the scene, drop it as a child of the table so that everything stays nice, simply delete it when you are done.
All in all, don't hesitate to ask questions on things you want me to clarify or explain further. if you can understand and redo this scene from scratch, you will have all the skills needed to do anything with ngui and playmaker.