I am getting on well with my game, I have finished level 1 but I am looking to try and improve the FPS.
Currently on a iPhone 4 its running at 15 Max, as I am targeting 3GS id like to improve on this.
I have a few tests to do to see what the main problem is, one of the things I think it could be is the amount of colliders I have in the level, for instance on my enemies I have 3 cube colliders.
I was wondering if I could get some recommendations to improve on this.
Ill explain below on what has colliders and what they do;
Blue Gem
The player is able to collect blue gems, each gem has 1 collider which when the player hits it - triggers the event to increase gem count and despawn the gem.
I have tried changing this around so the player has the collider attached to them but cannot seem to get that to work
Each monster has 3 colliders on them.
1) One collider which is not triggered, this gives the monster physics etc so that it can walk on the ground (without it, it falls through the ground)
2) The next collider is set so if the player hits it, it hurts the player
3) The final collider is a small square on the top of the monster so if the player jumps on this bit - the monster dies.
I know this is not giving much information away