
Author Topic: Character Controller for android  (Read 6494 times)


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Character Controller for android
« on: July 24, 2011, 03:24:41 PM »
I have watched the video to make an Character Controller on a body, but i dont work on a touch screen.
Most problem with many stuff, like Unity and playmaker is the so called android support.
Its very weak and its kind of a huge demand for better solutions for it.
But I do believe there is much that will come for it, but it kind of frustration when all things you can do on windows/web/mac very easy, its get hard to translate to a touch screen.

I do want a basic character controller that the left joystick/touchpad is left, right, forward, back and there is 2 button on the right thats fire and jump.
This controller is most of the time you need in most game.
So far there is none that is like this.
So it would be so great to have this so you just can add it to a body and you are done with it and can make the game.
Right now i thinking of rewrite the one that is in unity3d for mobile, but its kind  much to to and my time is kind of limited for it.