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Dialogue System[SOLVED]

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Hi! I am currently working on dialogue system and i created one with Playmaker! I tried Unity dialogue Engine and it's cool asset but as always i want complete control over the system and that's why i decided to create my own. It's working system i made and text is animated by HoTween and displayed well in time depends on how mych character i have in text....

Here is the example image of how it's working and everything is fine when using action Split Text to Array List and set split char / or any other single char like @ # ... But my problem is that when i use that action,i want text to be split by paragraphs like this:

aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa a aaaaaaa a a aaa a aa
aaaa a aaaaa aa   aaaaaaa a aaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa a a a
aaaaaa aa aaaaaaaaaaa a a   a aaaaa aaa a a aaaaaaaaa

bbbbbbbb bbbbbb b bb b   bbbbbbb  bbbb  b b bbbbbbb bb
bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb b b b bbbbbbbbb  bbbbbbbb bb b bbbb b

ccccccccc cccccccc ccc cccc cc cccccc c  cccccccccccc c
ccccc c c ccc

Using split by line isn't going to work because lines would be way to long and i though for that i should use split by tab and when i use it i get only first paragraph in Array List, others paragraphs aren't stored in Array List proxy idk why.
Then i tried to use split by char and i define string variable for that but it will only accept one single char and it will use other chars as next separators which is not what i want, i want to define for example this  {<next>}  and to split text by this separator inside the brackets and to use words with other chars for separating text
so my text would be like this:

<next> Aaaaa aaa a aaa a  aaaaa a aaaaa
aaa  a a  aaaaaa a aaa aa

<next> bbbbBbb bb bb bbbb b b bbb b bb

<next>cc c  cc cccccccccccccc  cc cc c
cc c c c c cccccccccc c cc

<next> dddddd  dd and so on....

So can anybody help with this and change this action or create new one instead for splitting text like this and modify this action Split Text to Array List to split text this way?

I like this approach of Dialogue and i have other Action request as well which will help a lot of us to work with string variables (i think it's one of the best solutions for making dialogue system) it's related to Jurassic at least it should be looking like Jurassic Execute editor.

Because Playmaker is State based it's born for systems like Dialogues and if you look at the Jurassic image you will see what i mean. I want to create text in current state with editor like that Jean made for Jurassic Execute, store it in String variable and animate/display with HoTween....

So this action can be called Text Maker or String Maker or something like that. This can be done with normal strings but those strings are created in single line and they are not really visible as a whole text so i think this will be better solution.

Thanks in advance!


 For this you need to use xml to define your dialog with meta information such as your tag.

habe you tried defining your dialog using xml?



Tried xml but it didn't go well cause i don't undersrand very well and that example of data maker not showing much to me. Can you explain here how to use xml data maker and hiw to use those sintaxes in xml because i don't uderstan them well so i can try?
And what about this action i requested, that string maker, can you make that?
That action would be useful for many things i guess.
Thanks Jean

Here is one update, I did understand how xml and xpath works and how to display desired text with Playmaker by defining nodes and elements from root, it was confusing when I first look at the xml but I understand now and it's pretty logical now to me and I can continue with my dialogue system.
Thanks Jean for pointing me in right direction, helpful as always.
If you ask me this thread can be marked as solved but still I would like to have such action in Playmaker as I mentioned StringMaker with bigger field for strings like in xml, just to be simpler and quicker way in case we want some bigger string variables without xml and xpath/query elements, what do you think Jean?


 ok, simply point to me which actions you woul dlike to have bigger fields, and I'll add them to my todos :)




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