In addition to my other post about heap allocations when PlayMakerFSM.Awake is called, I'm also seeing some pretty significant latency due to a frequently run condition which compares FsmBool.Value to a boolean flag, namely the IsTrue method in this custom class:
public class BoolTestValue
[Tooltip("The test will return True if the testVariable has a True value.")]
public bool TestTrue = true;
[Tooltip("The Bool variable to check for a True or False value.")]
public FsmBool testVariable;
public bool IsTrue()
return this.testVariable.Value == this.TestTrue;
I've attached a screen shot of the profiler. This is a worst-case scenario as it doesn't always run this slowly. That said, if the FSMBool.Value was strongly typed as a boolean this wouldn't be happening. Is there any alternative to calling FSMBool.Value and therefore NamesVariable.CastVariable which unboxes and runs slowly in a tight loop with a lot of pressure?
Please see the attached profiler screenshot for an example of what I'm dealing with here.