
Author Topic: New project ??  (Read 6799 times)


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New project ??
« on: August 04, 2011, 09:29:34 PM »
So I am working on my first project in Unity.. it is big and i am learning lots etc.

But if i want to do a little demo project to test something.... do i have to import all my stuff that i have bought like PlayMaker and EZ Gui etc into that project? Plus custom stuff?

Or is there a way to set up a default new project that will include all my normal stuff?

What happens when i send a project to someone and they do not have EZ GUI? or PlayMaker?


I know probably a dumb question.. ???



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Re: New project ??
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2011, 11:29:48 PM »
So I am working on my first project in Unity.. it is big and i am learning lots etc.

But if i want to do a little demo project to test something.... do i have to import all my stuff that i have bought like PlayMaker and EZ Gui etc into that project? Plus custom stuff?

Or is there a way to set up a default new project that will include all my normal stuff?

What happens when i send a project to someone and they do not have EZ GUI? or PlayMaker?


I know probably a dumb question.. ???


First you need to have all stuff in the project to be able to use them.
You can just sent a test project to other with the stuff you have buyed.
Its kind of give it away for free and that is not a good thing.
Also if you want to test things out, but not leave your setup you can just make a new scene and make a folder there you store all of the test objects.
But it you know what you need you can always import it to your new test project.
Its very easy to do.
You could also just make a copy of the project you working on and  have it in an other folder.
Then you can try out thing without any risk to ruin your main project.


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Re: New project ??
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2011, 01:04:45 AM »
Ok so basically it is just like i was thinking.. i have to set up a basic blank project that has all my stuff in it that i use all the time and then i could just copy that folder any time i want to start a new project... Unless i dont need something imported.

So i think i will do it that way. But then i have to make sure i keep it up to date as well.. Maybe just a good folder of my latest imports instead.. might be safer.

Hmm sending people projects and giving away your stuff kind of stinks a bit. oh well probably wont happen much anyway.




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Re: New project ??
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2011, 02:23:04 AM »
Ok so basically it is just like i was thinking.. i have to set up a basic blank project that has all my stuff in it that i use all the time and then i could just copy that folder any time i want to start a new project... Unless i dont need something imported.

So i think i will do it that way. But then i have to make sure i keep it up to date as well.. Maybe just a good folder of my latest imports instead.. might be safer.

Well you can do. Or you just set up it once and you do mark all and do an export on it.
Then when you want to start a new project you just start a new project an then import that file and you have it all.
If you need to update it you can just do this and upfate it and then make a new file, that you use later.

So you can do it many ways and its up to you what working best for you.

Hmm sending people projects and giving away your stuff kind of stinks a bit. oh well probably wont happen much anyway.



You can share project, but you must remove all stuff that you do have license for.
If the have the same license then they only need to add there own and all will work good.
This is due its forbidden to send other the licensed files.
But I really dont thing its a problem if both have the same stuff, but it still not allowed.
But the best is to ask the person you did buy it from or just remove it like i did write.