
Author Topic: Free medical simulator for you to download  (Read 12371 times)


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Free medical simulator for you to download
« on: October 06, 2013, 12:25:11 PM »

This is a medical simulator that I made with Playmaker and it works through Unity Web Player. Its been created to help explain medical vernacular to the general public.

Website link to project – MEDICAL BROWSER -

This non-profit research project is free for anyone to have along with all the source files, PM me if you would like it and you can download the project, I just need a few more weeks to finish it, or if you would like to help then I would also be more than happy for you to do so. I will also be making an open source website that will allow anyone to develop any aliments such as obesity, cancer, heart disease, strokes and so on and load them back up onto a central website a bit like a Wiki, (if any one knows of a solution before i make this then i would love to hear your ideas).

I have been given permission from the National Health Service to take information from their website for this project and I have until mid-December to refine the prototype as a proof of concept.

I have made this prototype as a proof of concept and it will take a little bit longer for me to finish as I am doing it outside of my full time job. So if anyone would like to help or has any ideas on the direction for this project then I would love to hear them.

I am a firm believer that serious games can have a very positive effect for the health of society. As Unity Web Player can be viewed anywhere in the world I believe it’s the right platform for this project.

Also here is the Playmaker flow chat.

« Last Edit: October 06, 2013, 01:03:06 PM by Alex Chouls »


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Re: Free medical simulator for you to downlaod
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2013, 12:53:47 PM »
The link did not seem to work? so here it is again. It will be posted onto a clean website soon, I have set it up as a subdomain for now.


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Re: Free medical simulator for you to downlaod
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2013, 12:55:23 PM »
Can someone edit the title as well, this is not going very well  :-\

downlaod - download!


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Re: Free medical simulator for you to download
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2013, 01:45:18 PM »
Interesting project. Actually I'm doing something similar at the moment - an app for explication about the vagus nerve and its stimulation (can share a beta within a few weeks). So it was interesting to see how you approach it.

As for feedback to your demo, you may be aware of some of the difficulties but here goes some first impressions:

|The camera orbit is sort of inhibited, hard to for example pick part of the trachea, when you have seen one part, the orbit navigation is constrained and goes off screen (hope you know what I'm talking about).

|There should be an option to abort animations/ narrations; say you accidentily picked the same part twice and don't want to  sit through the whole thing again.

|The menu system needs a more hierarchical logic layout so scene navigation becomes intuitive.

And I agree serious games will be able to do a lot of good, that is if they can get past the childrens diseases. In my opinion the two most crippling ones are:

A) Unwittingly carrying the torch for industry biased sicence, which sadly is the dominant tendency. Perhaps not so dangerous in general anatomy or classic newtonian physics, but more when it comes to questions relating to solutions such as health; where industry interest (BigPharma and BigAgri) play a big role in muddying and inversing the waters.

B) Having the look and feel of dusty textbooks. While the content may be alright, todays attention spans and interest are programmed aestheticly by game culture, which I think edutainment and serious games must take serious and meet to challenge.

P.S: Regarding your PM flow chart; at that resolution your FSM elements are impossible to make out.


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Re: Free medical simulator for you to download
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2013, 02:27:56 PM »
Hello Parallel

Thank you so much for all you feedback, I will reply with more detail soon.

Do you know if Playmaker can set up a camera orbit, I have had to script it all but I think if Playmaker had a camera orbit function I am sure it would look better then my version. I have added the coded that I used.

When can we see your "explication about the vagus nerve"?

Here are high resolution images to the FSM elements and the camera orbit code.


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Re: Free medical simulator for you to download
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2013, 02:31:09 PM »


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Re: Free medical simulator for you to download
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2013, 02:53:15 PM »
I'm sure PM + effort can make a proper orbit camera system. When I started out I was needing some immediate visual results so went ahead and got the 5$ 'Camera orbit tool' from the asset store, but have since found it a bit limited and now am weighing either doing a clean PM setup or getting the 'MasterCamera' asset.

My app is due before exams at x-mas but will have a beta (on the vagus stimulation part of it) within a few weeks.


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Re: Free medical simulator for you to download
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2013, 03:26:15 PM »
Ah yes, I did not even know about these tools, I will look into them next week.


Thanks again, so happy you posted, what are you studying?


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Re: Free medical simulator for you to download
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2013, 07:12:03 PM »
I am considering adding a patient selection of possible treatment options by adding the pharmaceutical options for the condition of Asthma, what do you think?


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Re: Free medical simulator for you to download
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2013, 11:35:30 PM »
The KFG system looks nice, with PM support and all.

Regarding the treatment options; I guess it depends on what or how much your main concept can carry,  it does seems an awful lot to bite down on (an anatomy browser+health wiki+treatment options). But as you say it's a proof of concept and maybe you just want to think big in this part of the process. I think it's a good idea to sketch out and consider beforehand just who is going to use it and how, ala case scenarios, so your time developing is used effectively. Your app aims to explain both medical vernacular, diseases and treatments, that's a lot of different possibilities of users that may not want to use it for the same purpose and overreaching could spoil the end product. But I can totally follow you in trying to dream up this kind of panacea app, though have found that most of my ideas that try to fathom too much into a single format needed a reality check for them to be manageable.

Another issue with the treatment option would be who with what qualifications will offer the advice, as this is an area of great responsibility. In France for example it's illegal to offer medical advice unless you are authorized, online as well. I think many people self diagnose with google, doing their own research for alternative treatments, because people have lost faith in the mainstream doctors who rather mindless dispense pharmaceutical symptom fixes, but probably also to save some bucks, all this does open up for such online advice enterprises, but legal and ethical considerations are a must.

The ethical/ responsibility concerns regarding offering hopefully well researched advice can't be stressed enough IMO, in these times of medical myths and bogus treatments such as Statins, HPV and other vaccines, etc. So that one doesn't unwittingly propagate industry controlled conclusions which many times actually are the opposite of healthy.

Btw, I study multimedia design.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2013, 11:37:18 PM by parallel »


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Re: Free medical simulator for you to download
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2013, 11:50:07 PM »

Interesting project :) :)best of luck



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Re: Free medical simulator for you to download
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2014, 05:14:59 AM »
Thank you for your help, all noted, I will post up again soon.