I've always felt like a strictly code driven guy for as long as I've been a developer, but PlayMaker has really changed my views on game development. I caught wind of PlayMaker through FlyingRobotStudio's developments, but felt it was really too much of a crutch.
I had used Game Maker when I was a kid. After moving to what I considered "real code", I never really looked back.
But PlayMaker is just so good! The way it handles references for me is amazing. It's the Unity methodology on steroids. Also, it amazes me that the interface often feels better than Unity's own component interface. (Why isn't the order of components drag and droppable? Ever tried quickly sorting components? ARGH!)

Anyway, I'll try and keep this short for now. Needless to say, all of my future development will include PlayMaker, generally 100%, with custom actions.
I'd also really like to give shoutouts to jean and flyingrobot and anyone else who's given away custom actions on the forums here. I've already got an excellent collection of actions from A*, Quaternions, more Vector math, overlapsphere, NGUI actions, Rotorz actions, Multiplayer fixes (Which I will eventually need to yell about because the MP demo is still screwed up!) and countless others I can't think of right now.

Everyone here is awesome. Now here comes the blog plug. 2 most recent articles covering entirely playmaker based projects.
http://trentsterling.com/unity-voxels-playmaker-and-rotorz/http://trentsterling.com/fez-meets-minecraft/I'll probably end up posting some of my own silly actions if they're not too game specific. Things like Vector3.Round/Floor/Offset for grid snapping is nice.
Anyway, enough ranting. Just wanted to launch some love your direction.