I couldn't be quite sure. But here is what I did:
I am using Pool Manager to spawn and despawn enemies. When I first set this up, I had a strange recycling bug where after the Pool went through all the prefabs and started back at the beginning of the cycle, the orcs would appear backwards. So to combat this, I spawned 100 perfabs of each type of Orc in the beginning, so no two prefabs are used twice.
I finally figured out what was causing this, my mistake; not the Pool Managers. I didn't set keyframes for the position of the axe, arms and the eyes in the beginning of the walk animation so when it respawned, the transform of those sprites were still the same as they are at the end of the death animation.
After that, I took my instances down to 20 each and then put a limit on them.
The next thing I did was prevent the orcs from hitting you after you die. This was a bit tricky but I think the solution works out. No matter what I turned off, the Orcs continued to hit. And I realized that this is based on the position of the hero. They check to see if they are in range and if they are they swing their axes. So! I decided to add a new state and a global event once the hero died that sent the Orcs into a dancing animation so they no longer check for the Hero position.
I got rid of my old camera system and just replaced it with a simpler one. Not sure if this had anything to due with it. But seems to have gotten rid of that edge glitchy thing.