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Get an public Int to a Global FSM variable


Hey guys,
i need a little help:

i just got a project which a friend of me coded and i just want to translate the GUI-part to playmaker. So i have to get the public int _money to an global FSM variable but i dont know how to do that.

here a litte piece of the code:

--- Code: ---
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using HutongGames.PlayMaker;

public class money : MonoBehaviour {

public int _money;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
int t, h, z, e, m;

weapons sendMoney= gameObject.GetComponent<weapons>();

t = _money/1000;

h = _money%1000;
h = h/100;

z = _money%1000;
z = z%100;
z = z/10;

e = _money%10;


public void getMoney(int amt){
_money += amt;

public void looseMoney(int amt){
_money -= amt;


--- End code ---

So how do i get the _money to a Global FSM variable?

thanks in advance!


warning: your script is really not optimized, so be careful to watch for performance issues here.

--  cache your weapons component ( only get it once basically)
-- only perform an operation when needed ( not in the update loop, but as a function you call from getMoney and loosemoney. There is no point ocmputing over and over the same values on update.
-- Same goes with the global variable, cache it once, and then use that reference.




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