PlayMaker Help & Tips > PlayMaker Tutorials
Official Tutorial Request Thread
If you would like to see a specific tutorial then feel free to request it in this thread!
Also, we've got a Trello Board for upvoting the tutorials you would like to see, so please go vote on which topics you would like to have a new tutorial on and if it's not on Trello then post in this thread so I can add it to the board and get votes on it.
Vote on Trello
How to use Get Component and Set Property.
Hello, pease i need some tutorials about Augmented Reality using playmaker + vuforia , how to load a 3D model in unity and how to apply to it some transitions and animations (material change , colors , ect ...)
Also i need to know how to work with multitarget in vuforia , and thank you :)
Hello, I think we still haven't seen how to setup an UI yet. I don't mean the actual UI (buttons, functionality, etc) but how it interacts with the rest of the game. For example creating a simple pause menu - where is the UI stored, how do we activate it when we hit the pause button, what is the proper way to stop the rest of the game from running. What are the best practices on that topic with Playmaker. We've seen many cool effects and game fragments, but we haven't seen how to actually get there as an end user.
--- Quote from: Lockon302 on February 27, 2014, 12:34:29 PM ---Hello, I think we still haven't seen how to setup an UI yet. I don't mean the actual UI (buttons, functionality, etc) but how it interacts with the rest of the game. For example creating a simple pause menu - where is the UI stored, how do we activate it when we hit the pause button, what is the proper way to stop the rest of the game from running. What are the best practices on that topic with Playmaker. We've seen many cool effects and game fragments, but we haven't seen how to actually get there as an end user.
--- End quote ---
If not tonight, I'll make one about this tomorrow.
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