
Author Topic: Errors when trying to add keys to camera animation  (Read 7527 times)


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Errors when trying to add keys to camera animation
« on: October 20, 2011, 02:26:19 PM »
I posted this on the Unity forum but thought i would post here too in case it had to do with Play Maker for some reason..

I just started getting these errors.. lots of them... It only  happens when i try to extend an animation file with more keys in the Animation editor for my Camera.. These are the errors i get.. And i only get them when i hit the end of the keys.. so i can scrub along the animation no problem but if i jump to the end key or beyond then it stops and freezes and comes back etc and generates a ton of errors..

!IsNormalized (normal)


Quaternion To Matrix conversion failed because input Quaternion is invalid {-1.#QNAN0, -1.#QNAN0, -1.#QNAN0, -1.#QNAN0} l=-1.#QNAN0

Look rotation viewing vector is zero
UnityEditorInternal.Slider1D:Do(Int32, Vector3, Vector3, Single, DrawCapFunction, Single) (at C:/BuildAgent/work/842f9557127e852/Editor/Mono/EditorHandles/Slider1D.cs:86)

I dont know what is up with this.. did i do something wrong. I have not changed my camera animation for a while and have changed Unity versions and also went from Mac to PC as well..

3.4.1f5 is my version

Any help would be great thanks



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Re: Errors when trying to add keys to camera animation
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2011, 03:22:06 PM »
Ok i just reset my Unity Layout to the basic 2 by 3 and the problem goes away..... i normally run a two monitor layout with a bunch of floating windows... I will play with it and see if it is a PlayMaker editor window issue.



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Re: Errors when trying to add keys to camera animation
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2011, 03:27:23 PM »
Ok scratch that... now it does not seem to matter what layout i choose they all do the same thing..



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Re: Errors when trying to add keys to camera animation
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2011, 11:00:09 AM »
I also had an issue with the Asset store not closing properly... dont know what that is about. It would disappear but if i clicked where it was the small pieces would come back and some of the buttons would still do stuff.... might not be related.