
Author Topic: How to Make a "Slingshot" Mobile Game?  (Read 2944 times)


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How to Make a "Slingshot" Mobile Game?
« on: July 28, 2014, 02:09:11 PM »
On playmaker, I am trying to make an angrybirds like slingshot game. I am using the input.touches asset for the inputs. There are a number of questions that I have.

How would one ensure that the player is tapping and dragging from the slingshot and not just from anywhere on the screen? There is no vector2 compare action and I tried using a vector3 compare action that I found on this forum (screenshot attached) using a vector2 to vector3 converter action (since it is 2d project and input touches only accepts the vector 2 variables to record the start and end of the dragging positions). Please let me know of a better way of doing this (it's probably better to suggest another way of doing it rather than correcting what I made since I am not so proficient at playmaker and it was probably an FSM that was always doomed to fail):P.
Also, how would you fire the projectile using the input.touches actions (swipe or drag actions). Would you use the angle/direction outputs and if so how?

Would it also be possible to determine the speed of the projectile base on how far the user pulls back from the catapult and if it is possible, how would this be achieved?

Finally, is there anyway to draw a line from the projectile to the player's finger as the player is dragging and a line of the projectile's predicted trajectory? (there won't be any gravity so it would be a straight line of trajectory which seems to be a bit easier)

« Last Edit: July 28, 2014, 02:15:56 PM by blazingriver »


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Re: How to Make a "Slingshot" Mobile Game?
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2014, 07:36:16 AM »
Take a look at this, I think you may find it useful.!/content/7761

Slingshot Playmaker Kit, as the name suggests is a slingshot game project made using Hutong Games Playmaker. Because it’s built with Playmaker and Fully Documented it’s very easy to grasp the logic and the mechanics of the game. Programmers and non-programmers alike, it’s very easy to customize the elements and extend/modify the logic to make entirely unique Slingshot games.


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 26
Re: How to Make a "Slingshot" Mobile Game?
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2014, 02:16:05 PM »
Thanks for the link! It's just what I am looking for!