
Author Topic: 2D Puppet Support?  (Read 2631 times)


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2D Puppet Support?
« on: December 14, 2014, 09:07:23 PM »
Hello to all,

This is my first thread I hope it goes in the right place, if not hope you guys dont mind. I recently purchase both Playmaker and 2DPuppet plug-ings to speed up the work load I have for the current projects I am working on. I want to mentioned that currently there is not support for PlayMaker with the 2D Puppet Plug-In and I know you guys support some other animation plug-igns like SmoothMoves, but the main reason I choose 2D puppet is the constant updates, clear workflow, fast production value and easy to use. Having that said, is there any threads or ideas of future implementing this 3rd Party software into the current library of PlayMaker? And if it is any ideas of when it might come out the next update.

Note: SmoothMoves hasn't update in a long time you should check that and instead give the chance for other plug-ings with fresh and new ideas.  ;)

Kind regards,

André Martinez
André Martinez
Owner of Double Ring Studios


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Re: 2D Puppet Support?
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2014, 11:00:16 PM »

You can find the upcoming support packages here.

Products are added to the Wish List for people to vote. When a product receives enough votes, it will be moved to the to do section.

But seems like 2D Puppet is not there in both of the lists. I recommend PMing @jeanfabre asking him to add 2D Puppet to the Wish List.