
Author Topic: Get the GUI to catch a Raycast  (Read 1329 times)


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Get the GUI to catch a Raycast
« on: January 12, 2015, 05:25:14 AM »

I'm using NGUI and Playmaker to set up a UI. What I want to is for the RayCast to not fall through the UI. However, everytime I click on the UI, the raycast falls through. After some research, I decided to use UICamera.hoverobject != null to know when to continue the raycast or not. However, this does not work because the result is always null.

How does this function work? I'm wondering if there is somthing wrong with my setup of the scene.

I'm also using two cameras if that helps.

Thanks in advance
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 05:32:42 AM by Gakho »