
Author Topic: Updating PlayMaker/Unity  (Read 14962 times)

Alex Chouls

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Updating PlayMaker/Unity
« on: April 01, 2021, 12:37:44 PM »
Updating PlayMaker

- Update in the Asset Store/Package Manager (see below)
- Import PlayMaker and install the latest version from the Welcome Window.

NOTE: Updating PlayMaker is complicated a little by this Asset Store bug:

After installing, verify that you have the latest version:
Main Menu > PlayMaker > Help > About PlayMaker...

Updating Unity

There are versions of PlayMaker for Unity 2017.4+, 2018.3+, and 2019.3+

If you update a PlayMaker project to a new version of Unity, crossing one of these version thresholds, you will need to also update PlayMaker. For example, when updating a project from Unity 2019.2 to 2019.4 you will need to update PlayMaker to the version for 2019.3+.

Follow these steps to update your PlayMaker project:

- Backup your project!
- Update PlayMaker to the latest version.
- Load the project in the new version of Unity.
- If crossing a Unity version threshold, update PlayMaker again.

NOTE: If the project has errors after updating Unity the Welcome Screen may not be available, in which case you can import the latest version manually:

Main Menu > Assets > Import Package > Custom Package
Select: Assets\PlayMaker\Editor\Install\Playmaker1.9.1.unitypackage