
Author Topic: FSM Initiates on Level Start  (Read 1012 times)


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FSM Initiates on Level Start
« on: July 08, 2016, 12:48:33 AM »
Hi everyone,

I'm brand new to Playmaker and have been fussing around and watching some videos here and there, but ran into something I am having trouble fixing. 

In my level I have a box, a single cube.  This cube has a trigger volume with the FSM and when my car enters into the trigger volume, several things happen.  The box visibility is set off, an explosion vfx system plays, a prefab spawns in its place consisting of 9 smaller boxes and a physics explosion occurs.

I just recently setup my Android SDK and Java SDK and was able to make a build and install the level on my tablet.  However, here's my problem.  Once I start the game and go into the level, the entire FSM on my box plays.  So on level start, without even driving my car forward, boom - The smaller boxes appear, the explosion vfx plays and the small boxes explode outwards. 

Anyone have an idea as to why the FSM is playing in it's entirety right when the level starts?

Side Note - In Unity editor on my pc, when I test play, nothing happens when I start the level (which is how it should be).  Then I drive my car forward, collide with the box's trigger volume, and then the FSM plays and the smaller boxes appear and explode out.  It's only on my Android device that the FSM initiates and does everything when the level starts.

Any help would be appreciated. Let me know if you need more information.