
Author Topic: Urgent help needed Please help! How do you detect input in 2dtoolkit with playma  (Read 3791 times)


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 1
I know how to detect input with playmaker on a normal object with a normal camera, but it does not work when I use mousepick event or touch object/gui event on a 2dtoolkit sprite using the 2d toolkit camera.

I even tried adding a box collider to the sprite, but still cannot get it to work.

I really need to get this to work and am willing to pay for assistance. Any assistance would be much appreciated! Thanks!


  • Junior Playmaker
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  • Posts: 70
simply Tag your 2DTk camera as "Main Camera" (its one of the default options on the Tag Unity editor
There must be always a main camera in the scene, properly tagged, even if its not the one in use.

This is an hold one, but myself  tired off finding workarounds finally cracked it! An now  Mouse Pick works
Putting it in in case anyone finds this via search.

PS: Additionally all the game window playmaker tips (wish I add forgot to exist) also need this "Main Camera"